
A gamma ray spectro imaging device

Dedicated to nuclear environment

Markets & Applications

Product overview

In collaboration with the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the Spectro Imager Spid-X has been designed for nuclear safety applications such as radioactive waste monitoring, decommissioning, decontamination or emergency situations.

The device offers fine spectroscopic capabilities embedding ultra-low noise ASICs and CdTe crystal thanks to 3D PLUS electronic components miniaturization technology.

The Spid-X gamma camera allows locating, identifying and measuring the dose intensity of the various radioactive sources that can be found in a nuclear environment. Combined with the small size and lightweight of the device, it brings a fast and efficient diagnostic on site, and can help the decontamination process.

Download Spid-X brochure

  • Identifies and locates the radioactive sources
  • Measures the dose of the sources
  • Small dimensions : 323 x 110 x 180 mm3
  • Light Weight : < 3,5 kg
  • Covers large range of energy
  • Fine spectroscopic capabilities

Key benefits

Offers a high spectroscopic sensitivity for a quick and reliable detection of the radioisotopes.

Combines the analysis of key parameters such as location, identification, energy level of the radioisotopes and total ionizing dose.

Transfers the data of the hot points in real time.

Due to its low weight and small size, it is suitable for all kind of applications such as decommissioning, monitoring, waste management anddecontamination.

Offers 5 hours autonomy due to its low power consumption.

Allow customization of the high number pre-defined source mix.

Key features

12 keV – 1500 keV energy range

12 keV – 300 keV preferred energy range

Fine spectroscopic capabilities:
• 1,6% FWHM at 60 keV
• 1% at 662 keV

• 40° Field of View below 300 keV
• 150° Field of View above 300 keV

Angular resolution:
• 1,5° below 300 keV
• 15° angular resolution above 300 keV

Maximum count rate: 50 kHz

Spectroscopic sensitivity for identification in 60 seconds:
• 5 nSv/h for Am-241
• 200 nSv/h for Cs-137 in the case of mutiples radio-isotopes detections

Imaging sensitivity for localization in 60 seconds: 1 µSv/h at the camera level

< 3,5 kg for the full system

5 hours autonomy


Spid-X 201 Spid-X 301
Locates the radioactive source
Measures the total dose
Measures the dose of each radio-isotope
Identifies the radioactive sources
Connected and remote from computer
Ethernet access

Localization of Gamma sources

localization of am-241 and eu-152 sources in a nuclear waste barrel
  • Field of view of the coded mask
  • Localization of Am-241 (orange, 3.6 MBq per source) and Eu-152 sources (green, 10 MBq per source) in a standard nuclear waste barrel, placed 1 m from the device.
  • The identification of the sources is confirmed in less than 30 seconds and the angular resolution is better than 1° for each source

Localization of Gamma sources

  • Compton imaging of a Cs-137 source of 1.5 GBq
  • Left : results after 40 seconds – middle: results after 1 minute – right : results after 40 minutes  with a spatial resolution better than 15°
  • The rough position is given in a few seconds